Production Schema

To achieve such goal it is necessary to have a production schema different than the one internationally accepted as standard, formed by a network of regional laboratories (spread across the geography) that processes the whole blood as soon as it is collected at the abattoirs.

The comparison between the international and Trinity Tek schema is shown in the following graphic:

2The blood collected is transported by our own transportation system and within the same slaughtering day from each abattoir to the laboratory for centrifugation and it is not accepted delayed transportations of the blood collected.

At Trinity Tek does not exist a ‘next day’ or ‘next week’ delivery operation of the blood collected daily, but a well organized system of a very quick daily transportation from each abattoir to the nearest regional laboratory.

Thus, with such schema and philosophy, Trinity Tek can guarantee a consistent offer of Qvalitas Plvs Vltra Fetal Bovine Serum.