
The Cellular
Fuel Company


The Cellular
Fuel Company


The Cellular
Fuel Company

Welcome toTrinity Tek

We appreciate your interest in our products and services. You are very welcome.

Let us explain that our goal is to offer competitively to the global life sciences industry and to the community of researchers Qvalitas Plvs Vltra Fetal Bovine Serum, and related services of sera treatments and testing under the Total Quality Management concept.

This concept consists in maintaining total control over the collection of the whole blood and the production of pre-filtered serum, as well as the final processing for sterilization, the quality control procedures, and the worldwide distribution through our agents or distributors.

At Trinity Tek we expect that the informative content of this presentation promotes your interest in us, and we will be very pleased to receive your comments and inquires.

We thank you beforehand for your kind attention.



Our goal is to offer competitively to the global life sciences industry and to the community of researchers Qvalitas Plvs Vltra Fetal Bovine Serum


Qvalitas Plvs Vltra

Higher than the international standard quality, 100% own production, with guaranteed traceability documentation, Total Quality Management, HACCP …



Check the features of our products: FBS Premium FBS, Gamma Irradiated FBS, Heat Inactivated FBS, Male FBS y Female FBS